A not-so-fond farewellMy firstborn son’s departure for college was the longest-shortest experience of my life. I had been preparing for this moment on some small…Sep 2, 2021Sep 2, 2021
A mental health pauseAfter the year I’ve experienced, it’s a wonder to me that I’ve maintained even a shred of optimism, that I don’t flutter my eyes open…Apr 16, 2021Apr 16, 2021
Your own breast friendWhen I was in eighth grade, health was one of the few classes that consistently held my attention. During the cancer unit, not realizing…Mar 19, 2021Mar 19, 2021
Skin deepI was 15 or so when I first understood that something could be wrong with your appearance without you even knowing it. I was at Dayton’s…Jan 16, 2021Jan 16, 2021
Brave new yearAs I sat half-listening to a basketball game my husband was watching, one of the commentators expressed relief about this awful year…Dec 31, 2020Dec 31, 2020
Back to our sensesMy cousin’s son has been a bright spot to our entire family throughout the pandemic. He’s 12, soon to be 13, and he lives for familial…Nov 14, 2020Nov 14, 2020
Joy thiefIf you’re like me, sometime in the past eight months, you’ve entertained the thought that you might just not mind getting the virus and…Nov 6, 2020Nov 6, 2020